Veggie Handbook, Veggie Exit Strategies & More!

celebrating the 1st week of Spring,

I made some stellar resources for you!

3 Veggie Guides: for long time veggie lovers & those new to the crew!

Dedicated to vegetables, tasty, juicy, crisp, tender, crunchy veggies!

Print them off and keep them handy, preferably close to the fridge!

We are so grateful to be your farmers, I hope that you have as much fun eating as we have growing!

As always, we are looking forward to seeing you this week on farm!

Summer, Summer, Summertime… oh the best!

The Verdant Acres Veggie Handbook.

Seven beautiful pages of storage tips, recipe ideas, and veggie hacks, its all in there, seriously!
This is hands down one of my favorite veggie guides

I keep on the fridge, it keeps me motivated and its pretty to look at!

Next up: 10 Prep Work And Mindset Strategies to save your veggies before the spoil.

This is all about setting your self up for success, practical, functional, and easy to implement.

Lastly, Exit Strategies, easy simple solutions to get through extra produce!

This is where you go when aren't sure what to do with what you have before it goes bad.
Quick, easy solutions to eat or preserve the harvest you have.

I highly recommend printing & sticking them on your fridge.

Easy to reach for anytime you have a question or need some inspiration.

These strategies, and solutions have helped us reduce waste and get the most out of our produce. 

Wishing you beautiful meals, with the ones you love.

Love from the farm,
