What if we ate for cellular health and what that would look like?

It is estimated that the human body is made up of 37.2 trillion cells.

Think about your cells like legos, these are the building and construction materials our entire body and all of its systems are comprised of.

Honestly, I cannot begin to imagine or comprehend what 37.2 trillion legos would like…

Let’s take that lego analogy one step further, what if during cell division an error occurred and the trademark connection bumps called “studs” were improperly made. They would no longer connect, and would become useless, and potentially dangerous.

What if we ate for cellular health and what that would look like?

First off, we would start thinking about what cells need to function, rebuild, repair, divide and even healthy cell death and removal. When our cells get out of whack they can divide uncontrollably, or not all, both are terrible.

Our modern diet is rich in calories, and chemicals… but is it rich in what our cells need?

Another way to think of this is starving cells.

Someone very dear to me has MS (multiple sclerosis), a disease caused by dysfunctional biochemical reactions that stems back to lack of cellular health.

In my research for “cures”, I came across an M.D. who focuses on eating for cellular health.

Dr. Whals M.D., is a thriving MS survivor, she’s has taken a deep dive into chronic health disease, especially MS.

She has outlined a protocol that aims to feed your cells, and allow your body to do the healing.

She has had spectacular results with her own health and the many MS patients she cares for.

Her recommendations for eating for cellular health include: Grass-fed Organ Meats and a plethora of clean spray-free vegetables.

I have put together a pdf for you, highlighting what each type of food does for your cellular and brain health. Click below to learn more.

Organ Meats & Veggies are Crucial for Brain & cellular health. CLICK HERE.

Whether you are a vegetarian, vegan or omnivore its vital that you are eating for cellular Health.

If you are uncomfortable eating organ meats we’ve taken the “ick” factor away by sneaking them into our paleo grind.

Our bodies don’t make a majority of the benefits these plants and organs provide, and if we do, it’s at such small amounts they’er insufficient especially as we age.

Our CoQ10 production for example, greatly tapers off as we hit 50yrs, when we have to start depending on dietary sources.

If you cannot bring yourself to eat meat, I highly recommend sourcing a grass-fed organic dehydrated source, usually in pill form.

HOWEVER!!! Be very picky about who you purchase these from, organs are the store house for vitamins and minerals but also for toxins if the animal was raised or fed in a way that exposes them to chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful toxic loads that store in their organ meats.

Our cells are constantly working, building, fighting, repairing, and dividing. Let’s help them out!

Organ Meats & Veggies are Crucial for Brain & cellular health. CLICK HERE.

As always were rooting for you, and here to feed you roots!

Love from the farm,

Verdant Acres