Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

“Aren’t Grass-fed meats tough and dry?”

Actually if raised well, and cooked properly grass-fed meats are the most tender and flavorful cuts of meat I have ever eaten. Check out our BLOG for cooking tips & hacks!

“What is Regenerative Farming anyway?”

To regenerate is defined as “regrow or replace lost or injured tissue.” We are regrowing and replacing lost soil, biology and ecosystems on our farm. We take a holistic approach to farming, working to restore communities above and below the soil.

“What is the difference between pasture raised and free range?”

Our animals are raised on pasture, move to fresh grass daily, and receive all the benefits of sunshine (vitamin D), fresh air (healthy lungs & immune systems), and fresh grass forage (high in carotenoids).

Alternatively, Free Range as define by USDA “outdoor access” or “ access to the outdoors” some however do not have full body access to the outdoors, and have no minimum outdoor space requirements. Thus Free Range typically refers to animals that live in industrial barns and may be able to go outside, for no defined amount of time or space, and no guarantee of fresh forage or sunlight. Same for FREE RANGE ORGANIC*, the only difference being they are fed organic grains while housed in industrial barns.

“Why Soy-Free Organic Grains?”

We are what we eat, eats.

We feed ORGANIC grains to our omnivorous animals (Pigs & Chickens), meaning GLYPHOSATE is NOT permitted to use, thus our animals are happy, healthy, thriving! Soy is swimming in the Standard American Diet (SAD), as well as the diet of the animals we consume. Many have developed allergies to it, many are even allergic to eggs from hens eating soy feeds. We are trying to keep our farm products clean, allergy free & free of inflammatory substances (i.e glyphosate, soy, peanuts etc.).