The Dirty truth about clean grass-fed fats part 1

All of Human History We’ve been eating Healthy fats from local Thriving animals.

it’s time we start again.

way before industrialized farming and “food science” created havoc on the nutritional landscape.

Humans sourced their nutrition locally, via hunting, fishing, foraging and agriculture.

We weren’t sourcing it from across the globe (Avocado, Palm, Coconut), and we weren’t highly refining it (canola, sunflower, corn, soybean)

Did you know? That 82% of the fat in coconut oil is Saturated Fat?

For Comparison Conventional Grain-fed beef is only 50%, and conventional butter a mere 63%.

We tend to think of vegetable oils as the healthy counterpoint to “fatty meats”, but both Palm oil and Coconut oils are loaded with saturated fats.

Saturated fats started getting a bad rap in the 1960’s and no surprise… A new wonder product was hitting the shelves at the very same time…enter vegetable oils, crisco, margarine and the like.

Its only recently that animal fats have been re-evaluated.

According to Harvards school of public health

“Though decades of dietary advice… suggested saturated fat was harmful, in recent years that idea has begun to evolve. Several studies suggest that eating diets high in saturated fat do not raise the risk of heart disease, with one report analyzing the findings of 21 studies that followed 350,000 people for up to 23 years.”[1]

Come to find out it was those “heart healthy” carbs, added sugar, and trans-fats doing the cardiovascular damage.

Let’s get greasy and nerdy all at the same time, this is so my wheelhouse!

Fun fact, in college I had shoes with periodic tables all over them, yep, I was that girl. And unashamedly, I still am. I love me some nerdy science.

Saturated fats(SFA):

This class of fats has one double bond in its chemical structure. Think of a hug, two arm connection to another.

Simply meaning, they have no double bonds in their chemical structure. (Think of it like a hand shake between two friends, one point of connection between two different elements.)

These fats are solid at room temperature and have very high smoke points. Tallow, Lard, Butter, Schmaltz, Coconut, Palm have significant amounts of SFA’s.

Monounsaturated fats(MUFA):

This class of fats has one double bond in its chemical structure. Think of a hug, two arm connection to another element.

Liquid at room temperature and lower smoke points. Olive, Canola, Avocado, Peanut, as well as Pecans, Hazelnuts, & Almonds have significant amounts of MUFA’s

Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFA):

This class of fats has multiple double bond in its chemical structure. Think of several hugs happening simultaneously within the structure. Like a family reunion.

Liquid at room temperature and lower smoke points. Canola, Corn, Sunflower, and Soybean have high concentrations of Omega-6’s, a PUFA.

Also found in fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts and grass-fed meats with high levels of beneficial omega-3’s, a PUFA.

MUFA & PUFA aren’t for cooking, they go RANCID.

They are not as stable as SFA’s, due to oxidation when exposed to heat or light, which leads to volatile compound formation and nutrient loss. Also know as RANCID oil & free-radicals.

It’s why good olive oil is sold in dark bottles, keeping it from oxidizing via sunlight/heat exposure. This is also why you want cold pressed olive oil.

Save your olive oil for salad dressings, drizzling after a dish cooks, or for dipping! Get all the nutrients and enjoy its exceptional flavor.

Did you know?

Grass-fed beef has 3x higher PUFA : SFA fat ratio. 3:1, Whoa!

Right from the gate grass fed beef has 3x more PFUA than SFA in its composition, its loaded with excellent Omega6:3 ratios (2:1 in fact!), remember Omegas are PUFA’s, long chain fatty acids.

grass-fed beef has 4X More omega-3’s: DHA & EPA than grain-fed beef!

Want more stellar nutrition by the numbers?

Check out our Handy-Dandy Grass-fed Cheat Sheet, >CLICK HERE<

Not all fat is created equal.

Watch out for industrial vegetable oils high in Omega-6’s.

Soybean oil is the leading culprit in the western diet for our elevated Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio, we average a 16:1 ratio, pre-industrial populations have 4:1 to 1:4 ratio in their overall diets. [2]

What’s worse yet, is the refining process that most vegetable oils go through before they hit the shelves, chemical filtering, bleaching and deodorizing for many. Not to mention the GMO’s.

Industrial meats and their fats contain many undesirable fats as well as a heavy toxic load from the GMO growing practices. You would too, if you were confined and fed poison-glyphosate soaked grains.

Stress, toxic food, hormones, antibiotics and lack of fresh pasture all lead to terribly low nutrition in the animals as well as a heavy toxic load in their tissues. Which we then consume and perpetuate the cycle of sickness.

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